Only 16.8% of Idahoans have access to fiber-optic internet, but if you live in Meridian, your chances are a lot higher thanks to CTC. CTC proudly provides fiber internet in Meridian, ID and serves seven subdivisions in area with plans to expand to several more communities over the next few years.
In 2016, CTC acquired Westel Fiber. Westel’s fiber network extended into five Meridian subdivisions; Bear Creek, Crossfield, Glacier Springs, Red Feather and Tuscany. Westel first started putting glass in the ground when the real estate market was booming pre-2006. After the acquisition, CTC immediately went to work upgrading Westel’s infrastructure and replacing some of the outdated equipment from Westel’s initial deployment. The upgrades have increased the reliability of the network and allowed residents access to higher speeds. While updates are still going on in neighborhoods like Bear Creek, most of CTC’s customers now can get internet speeds up to 1 GB.

As Meridian grows, so does CTC’s fiber footprint. As new subdivisions like Fall Creek Meadows pop up, CTC is strategically trenching in fiber alongside utility companies to prepare for the construction of new homes. CTC currently has plans to bring fiber internet to Pine 43, Southridge Apartments and Timberline neighborhoods which are now under construction.
CTC has no contracts, no data caps and is based right here in Idaho. If you weren’t already convinced to switch to CTC, installations are also free for Meridian customers. If you want the best fiber internet in Meridian, ID the choice is clear. Now that you have a choice, choose CTC. Click here for plans and pricing.